The Infrastructure and Environment Committee (IEC) for final approval of the Complete Street design and implementation was postponed and rescheduled from March 27th to May 2nd. See the City’s comments below:
“There has been a recent decision to present the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project to the next Infrastructure & Environment Committee (IEC) meeting on May 2nd. This will allow the project team time to incorporate some of the recommendations currently being assessed to improve operations at the Eglinton/Allen intersection into the report to Council with the following highlights:
- Transportation Services continues to make progress toward City Council’s direction to implement an interim strategy to achieve the goals within Eglinton Connects and to align the delivery with the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT.
- Transportation Services is actively coordinating potential implementation dates based on Metrolinx and Crosslinx’s work zones occupations. Transportation Services is still targeting this summer 2024 for road resurfacing, sidewalk repairs and the complete street features, if approved, for implementation between Bicknell Avenue and Mount Pleasant Road.
- Through public consultation, Transportation Services received key feedback on congestion at the Eglinton Avenue and Allen Road since the new signal and road configuration was activated by Metrolinx as part of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT delivery. While not initially within the scope of the City’s project, due to these concerns, Transportation Services has accelerated the handover of the intersection to the City in order to implement changes. The additional one month before reporting to IEC will allow for Transportation Services to propose to City Council additional changes at this intersection to improve the current condition and to continue to coordinate implementation dates with Metrolinx and Crosslinx.”
· The IEC agenda will be distributed for review beforehand. Members of the CUVCG plan to attend the IEC meeting and depute as required.
· The Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) had its 4th meeting on March 5th. Click to see the meeting minutes or presentation.
The next SAG meeting will be held on April 16th. The CUVCG will get updates on what the City is doing at the intersection to alleviate congestion and residential infiltration. Some action items the City has communicated will be happening include:
- Install Data Analytics technology at the intersections
- Reinstate the CCTV camera at the SB Allen intersection(currently being worked on by CTS)
- Reinstate the Bluetooth sensor at the SB Allen Intersection
- Work with Toronto Hydro for street lighting improvements along Allen, starting in May
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