The Beltline Gap Connections Project is part of the Cycling Network Plan Near-Term Implementation Program. The project’s proposed road safety improvements and bikeway connections will be installed at the same time as overlapping state of good repair road work planned for summer 2025.
The project area is bounded by Marlee Avenue to the west, Eglinton Avenue West to the south, Castlefield Avenue, Roselawn Avenue and Elm Ridge Drive to the north and Newgate Road and the Allen Greenway to the east.

Proposed Changes (Marlee):
- Construct a raised bi-directional cycle track and upgrade the existing sidewalk on the west side between Eglinton Avenue West and Roselawn Avenue
- Upgrade the bike lanes to on-road cycle tracks between Roselawn Avenue and Castlefield Avenue
- Remove centre medians at Roselawn Avenue and Marlee Avenue intersection
- Narrow motor vehicle lanes to standard widths
- Driveways on City property may be reduced in length
Proposed Changes (Roselawn & Elm Ridge):
- Convert the south-side sidewalk between Marlee Avenue and the western limit of the bridge into a multi-use trail
- Add on-road bi-directional cycle track on the south side of the bridge to Newgate Road
- Narrow motor vehicle lanes to standard widths
- Remove the westbound left turn lane on Roselawn Avenue approaching the Marlee Avenue intersection
Proposed Changes (Allen Greenway):
- Convert Allen Greenway sidewalk to a widened multi-use trail from Elm Ridge Drive to Wembley Road
- StreetARToronto will be hosting a series of community engagement sessions for a mural project along the Allen Sound Wall – Allen Greenway project in 2024-2025
The CUVCG has communicated to the City that this project lacks proper planning and community engagement. New street programming and cycling infrastructure cannot be designed and implemented until: (1) the traffic mayhem at Allen & Eglinton intersection is resolved; (2) the required study mandated under the Marlee Avenue Area Study is conducted and the findings of the Allen Greenway Guidebook are incorporated.
Community feedback on this project was due April 19th and staff will report to the Infrastructure & Environment Committee (IEC) on May 28, 2024. To get involved or learn more about the Beltline Gap Connections Project and the York Beltline Trail Extension, please visit:
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