eglintonTOday Phase 1 – IEC May 2, 2024

May 21, 2024
Traffic & Safety

The General Manager, Transportation services submitted to the Infrastructure & Environment Committee its recommendation for the installation of the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project in its April 19th Report for Action. The report was considered and adopted by the IEC with amendments and will be considered by City Council on May 22, 2024.

The IEC’s response and recommendation can be accessed HERE. Below is a quick summary that highlights some of the main items that were endorsed by the IEC:

·      The installation of the eglintonTOday Complete Street Project on Eglinton Avenue from Bicknell Avenue to Mount Pleasant Road starting in summer 2024.

·     However, in the vicinity of the Eglinton Avenue and Allen Road intersection, the complete street project for the section between Old Park Road/ Glen Cedar Road and Marlee Avenue would be implemented only after adjustments are made to improve traffic operations at the intersection.

·      Transportation Services to determine the implementation timeline in coordination with Metrolinx and TTC to ensure it is optimally aligned with the opening of the ECLRT, to minimize negative traffic impacts due to construction, and to minimize the traffic impacts from the continued operation of existing TTC surface bus routes in the new Complete Street configuration prior to the opening of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT.

·      City Council authorize the installation of contra-flow bike lanes on Glen Cedar Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Dewbourne Avenue.

·      City Council reduce the speed limit from 50 kilometres per hour to 40 kilometres per hour on Eglinton.

·     Transportation Services to develop a plan for snow clearing suitable for the new Complete Street configuration with consideration for pedestrian safety, delivery areas and on-street parking spaces.

In response to the Report for Action, the CUVCG delivered a deputation at the IEC and made a strong case, again, for a holistic and research-driven approach to our area to ensure safety and livability.

The city has acknowledged that the reinstated Allen and Eglinton intersection requires special attention, and committed that no cycling infrastructure will be installed in our area until the interchange is operationally sound. Given the extensive residential infiltration our residential streets experience daily, the city has also committed to collecting traffic counts, monitoring, and analysis on our busiest side streets. 

You can read the full deputation inclusive of requested amendments HERE.  

The IEC decision will be considered at City Council on May 22nd.  We will continue to communicate with the eglintonTOday team and our Councillors ahead of the City Council meeting, to ensure that City Council decisions reinforce safe and functional streetscape programming in our complex area.  Which means they are founded in accurate data and future-proof modelling, and that any new infrastructure must be paused until the Allen & Eglinton intersection is functional and operating at an acceptable Level of Service.

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